Access Application Services

Hosted Application Services (HAS)

  • Files can be stored centrally or locally
  • Always have access to the latest software
  • No on-site equipment required
  • Works on PC, MAC or Linux desktops


per month

in-house applications

  • Take a customers in-house software and host so that this services can be given back to the end customer and its partners while the day to day management and support are take care of by inCloudOne and/or co-agreement


Independent Software Ventures (ISV)

  • For ISV inCloudOne can take your software and client software and host so that additional revenue streams can be created from this software


Hosted Application Services (HAS)

Hosted services are where the end customer rents the service from inCloudOne on a per user basis. These are typically on a 30-day contracts so that temporary and changing needs can be met. Hosted services are typically accessed through either a web browser or for applications like Microsoft office; the inCloudOne Launch Toolbar.

No on-site equipment is required except for a good connection to the internet, and a PC, MAC or Linux desktop. inCloudOne® can provide cost effective managed thin clients if preferred.

Files can be stored centrally or locally at the customer site.

There are normally no additional costs for using the latest software and upgrades are handled automatically.

The following hosted methods described below are currently offered to our end customers and partners:

Access Application Services

  • These service are typically aimed at End-Users and are sold as a simple one price per month per user. For example a customer can rent MS Office Professional.
  • We sell true Windows based Microsoft applications including IE9 Browser for MAC and Linux users without the need to run local virtualised environments and associated windows operating systems. The approach decouples the O/S from the applications that are run allowing a company to run open source linux environments on older desktop / laptop equipment and still run the latest versions of Microsoft products.
  • Aimed at: Users who want the freedom and ability to use the latest applications, e.g. Microsoft Office, Visio, Project, Publisher with FREE upgrades without paying the capital costs associated with a perpetual license or being locked to a single machine
  • Apart from Microsoft applications inCloudOne® also provide a number of Independent Software Venture (ISV) solutions and can even convert in-house applications to run on our hosted platform.

ISV and in-house applications

  • By taking a customers application and then hosting it back to the customer on a monthly basis, inCloudOne takes care of the hardware, backup, day-2-day house keeping and management of the IT environment itself but now delivering the software as a service.
  • This approach is particularly useful for ISV and in-house developers of software as this allows them to generate a secondary revenue stream by offering their customers a hosted version of their application.
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